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Now you know all about the different ways you can get involved, sign up here

Select which way you'd like to get involved and sign up now. These payment options are for those who would prefer not to use Direct Debit. If Direct Debit is how you want to pay see our other signup page.
Adult Signup (other methods)
Membership Options
Full Adult Membership
Initially please complete the 'membership form', after which you will be asked to close the form and proceed to organise your own method of payment.
After you have completed the membership form above, please proceed to organise your payment to us, via the method you selected above. We have given some info below to help provide any help or details you may need.
If you plan to set up your own Standing Order/Bank Transfer via your online banking or app, click here for a simple guide including our bank details.
After you have completed the membership form above, please proceed to organise your payment to us, via the method you selected above. We have given some info below to help provide any help or details you may need.
If you would prefer to pay with cash/cheque, please simply hand this to our Treasurer, Membership Secretary, or via another Management committee member in person. Or, alternatively if you would like to forward this by mail, please fill in this contact form and request address details.
Card Transaction
If you would prefer to pay with a card transaction (e.g. Debit Card), this ideally should be arranged to be done in person at the Wellington Rooms with either our Treasurer or Membership Secretary.
Full Student Membership
Initially please complete the 'membership form', after which you will be asked to close the form and proceed to organise your own method of payment.
After you have completed the membership form above, please proceed to organise your payment to us, via the method you selected above. We have given some info below to help provide any help or details you may need.
If you plan to set up your own Standing Order/Bank Transfer via your online banking or app, click here for a simple guide including our bank details.
After you have completed the membership form above, please proceed to organise your payment to us, via the method you selected above. We have given some info below to help provide any help or details you may need.
If you would prefer to pay with cash/cheque, please simply hand this to our Treasurer, Membership Secretary, or via another Management committee member in person. Or, alternatively if you would like to forward this by mail, please fill in this contact form and request address details.
Card Transaction
If you would prefer to pay with a card transaction (e.g. Debit Card), this ideally should be arranged to be done in person at the Wellington Rooms with either our Treasurer or Membership Secretary.
Full Senior Membership
Initially please complete the 'membership form', after which you will be asked to close the form and proceed to organise your own method of payment.
After you have completed the membership form above, please proceed to organise your payment to us, via the method you selected above. We have given some info below to help provide any help or details you may need.
If you plan to set up your own Standing Order/Bank Transfer via your online banking or app, click here for a simple guide including our bank details.
After you have completed the membership form above, please proceed to organise your payment to us, via the method you selected above. We have given some info below to help provide any help or details you may need.
If you would prefer to pay with cash/cheque, please simply hand this to our Treasurer, Membership Secretary, or via another Management committee member in person. Or, alternatively if you would like to forward this by mail, please fill in this contact form and request address details.
Card Transaction
If you would prefer to pay with a card transaction (e.g. Debit Card), this ideally should be arranged to be done in person at the Wellington Rooms with either our Treasurer or Membership Secretary.
Social Membership
Initially please complete the 'membership form', after which you will be asked to close the form and proceed to organise your own method of payment.
After you have completed the membership form above, please proceed to organise your payment to us, via the method you selected above. We have given some info below to help provide any help or details you may need.
If you plan to set up your own Standing Order/Bank Transfer via your online banking or app, click here for a simple guide including our bank details.
After you have completed the membership form above, please proceed to organise your payment to us, via the method you selected above. We have given some info below to help provide any help or details you may need.
If you would prefer to pay with cash/cheque, please simply hand this to our Treasurer, Membership Secretary, or via another Management committee member in person. Or, alternatively if you would like to forward this by mail, please fill in this contact form and request address details.
Card Transaction
If you would prefer to pay with a card transaction (e.g. Debit Card), this ideally should be arranged to be done in person at the Wellington Rooms with either our Treasurer or Membership Secretary.
The 100 Club
Initially please complete the 'membership form', after which you will be asked to close the form and proceed to organise your own method of payment.
After you have completed the membership form above, please proceed to organise your payment to us, via the method you selected above. We have given some info below to help provide any help or details you may need.
If you plan to set up your own Standing Order/Bank Transfer via your online banking or app, click here for a simple guide including our bank details.
We really would prefer 100 club members to use a regular standing order as per the above methods, however if you don't like this method we can take a bulk payment for several months (minimum 6) via the following methods:
Simply hand this to our Treasurer, Membership Secretary, or via another Management committee member in person. Or, alternatively if you would like to forward this by mail, please fill in this contact form and request address details.
Card Transaction
If you would prefer to pay with a card transaction (e.g. Debit Card), this ideally should be arranged to be done in person at the Wellington Rooms with either our Treasurer or a member of the Management Committee.
Student Mem (Signup)
Senior Mem (Signup)
Social Membershi (Signup)
100 Club Signup
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