Upcoming Projects Update
19th May 2020

We hope you are enjoying our new "Newsfeed" way of keeping you up to date, everything seen here is currently copied on other platforms such as our Facebook groups, Mailchimp mail-outs & the good old-fashioned newsletter, however not all good news is good news.
Whilst monitoring the COVID situation closely we have been forced to make some difficult decisions regarding some of our upcoming events in the near future. Please see the video below and listen to a brief message from our Chairman, Paul, detailing the choices we have made.
We know that you were excited about our 2020 Vision, as we were too, and still are, but with even the best of vision we don't think anybody could see the early part of 2020 panning out quite like this. You will see from perusing our website and particularly the what's-on pages, that we have left a number of events as "postponed" rather than cancelled. In an ideal situation, as these events were to be staged in our home venue, we will be able to open and use our facilities earlier and in a safer manner than perhaps some of the larger venues like the Victoria or the Playhouse will be able to do due to commercial constraints. In this event we will endeavour to plan these into the future calendar where possible.