Our June Newsletter
2nd July 2020
We hope you are enjoying our new 'Newsfeed' way of keeping you up to date, everything seen here is currently copied on other platforms such as our Facebook groups, Mailchimp mail-outs & the good old-fashioned newsletter, so please find below a PDF version of our recent news.
Hopefully if everything is working as we want, you should have already seen the vast amount of this news in some of the other platforms, however we are aware that we have valued members and friends that simply prefer the good old Newsletter. If you are a member and you have completed your contact preferences to include a posted version of this newsletter it should already be on its way to you, via the COVID snail-mail.
If, however, you know somebody who hasn't been kept up to date, perhaps because they don't use email/Facebook can we kindly ask you to print a copy of this off and maybe pop it through their letterbox? - keeping social distancing and any self-isolation restrictions in mind of course! We thank you in advance for helping us to keep all our members and friends of HAOS/HATY in the loop.