The Big Plan gets another addition...
09th July 2020
HAOS would like to share even more exciting news.....
We recently tried to give you a nice Christmas treat to look forward to, how about something for Summer 2021 too?...
You'll think we've lost the plot when we tell you, but it is pretty cool. We are going to need a lot of dedicated people in 2021!
Part of our big vision, and indeed our key drivers, is to ensure that all our members have something for them to enjoy, involved directly or as an audience member. Something for everyone.
How many people got 'involved' with the Hamifilm love on Disney+ last weekend? Love it or hate it, it's impossible to ignore the resounding effect that Lin-Manuel Miranda's approach to embracing new styles with a rich cultural carpet at his work's core has on audiences new and old.
His vision to appeal to & entice new audiences of musical theatre has inspired us, and fuelled the part of our main vision that is to do with outstretching our own membership and audience base.
So we came to the crazy decision to add another show into our 2021 line up.....
Carrying on the Miranda love, there was a large summer movie release that was supposed to happen last month, but sadly due to the C word it's been deferred until next summer, but that will time absolutely perfect with the show we've managed to secure the rights on.
How is your Spanish?
If you haven't worked it out yet, this video should help!