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Light at the end of the lockdown


04th November 2020

Light at the end of the lockdown

*This article was written only a few days after the Prime Minister announced a second national lockdown to tackle the resurging coronavirus pandemic.

We know how disappointing Saturday's national news was, especially coming just as venues across the country were finally succeeding to reopen their doors to theatre-thirsty patrons. Throughout the year we have constantly revised our 20/20 vision trying to deliver something to our members, friends and all our supporters. So whenever Boris stands at the gloomy podium and closes a door, we try to open a window, whenever we can!

So we thought we'd remind ourselves of all the great things planned for next year.

Hopefully this will give us all something to look forward to once Big Ben strikes twelve in a few months’ time and heralds in what can surely only be an improvement on 2020!

Summer ‘21 will be sizzling hot at the Halifax Playhouse.

We are thrilled to confirm that our announcement earlier in the year about staging the sensational Broadway award-winning hit ‘IN THE HEIGHTS’ is now fully contracted and signed to be performed at the Halifax Playhouse from 30th June – 3rd July. This will coincide perfectly with the currently announced release date of the movie in cinemas across the UK. This fun, feel-good, bursting with energy cracker written by HAMILTON’s Lin Manuel Miranda, will be just the tonic required coming out of the seemingly endless lockdown, and is set to be the premier outing for the society post-covid. We predict the hype generated by the movie release should secure great houses, and buzzing energy across the cast and audience alike. We can’t wait!

HAOS comes closer to home, and plans to get Kinky only a matter of weeks after leaving the shimmering heights of Manhattan.

That’s right, literally 11 weeks after our closing performance of In the Heights we will be stepping foot (in thigh-high boots) into the Victoria Theatre to stage the utterly joyous feast that is ‘KINKY BOOTS.’ As things stand at the moment there are only a handful of societies across the UK planning to stage this early 2021 and therefore we should be one of the few lucky teams getting to perform this fantastic story, with uplifting music by Cyndi Lauper, to audiences in our area first. We believe this perfect combination of 2 brand-new renowned fiery feel-good favourites will be the perfect way to bounce back out of the winter lockdown darkness into bright theatrical action next year.

No one will be able to stop HATY either as they will be the champions rocking a kinda magic at the Playhouse a mere blink of an eye after Kinky Boots.

Only 4 weeks after we wave a fond farewell to the shoe-makers of Northampton, we’ll be waving our hands in the air with our astonishingly talented youngsters as they blast you into the futuristic world of Ben Elton’s WE WILL ROCK YOU showcasing the infamously popular music of QUEEN. 

This show has been an audience favourite and sell-out smash hit since it ran its infamous 12 year stint at the Dominion Theatre in London. Featuring a catalogue of every Queen fan's favourite hits, this show leaves everyone involved stomping their feet, thrusting their arms in the air and chanting along famously, cast and audiences alike have almost a year to get themselves ready as HATY will be rocking you next October.

After this three part fun frivolous feast, how about something with a bit more grit to provide some contrast? Perhaps a musical all about killing a US president?! (We know, a wonderfully timed question!)

Yes, the more astute of you will have been wondering what happened to our spring productions of 2021. As things stand rehearsing is not permitted, we may have to perform to socially distanced audiences, and we still feel that Sondheim’s murderous masterpiece ASSASSINS deserves to be enjoyed by as many of our friends, supporters and members as possible. After all the hard work that has already been carried out securing the stellar cast we have previously announced, we won’t let this project get swallowed up by the covid ether. Therefore we are going to stretch all the boundaries of the groups resources and feature this witty rarely-performed gem back in to its original November slot, 12 months on, and just a staggering 2 weeks after the curtain will fall on HATY’s We Will Rock You.

After that 4 course delight, we imagine you’ll be stuffed, but there is surely room for some Christmas pudding!!

Earlier this year we were thrilled to have been able to utilise the strange turn of events to positively secure the rights to perform the very popular "Elf - The Musical", a title that is almost never available to amateur groups, and certainly never during the festive season.

Very much like Assassins, we feel this title deserves a size-able space to perform in, and a full (non-socially distanced) audience to perform to. For this reason, we are frankly amazed that MTI have confirmed in contract that we are able to perform this fantastic opportunity next Christmas, 2021, where we can really do it justice, and give all the community of Calderdale the true festive treat they deserve. This modern day Christmas classic is sure to make everyone forget that lockdown ever existed and celebrate Christmas by embracing their inner Elf.

What happened to Whistle?!

The more observant of you will have noticed that this very popular joint HAOS and HATY project has seemingly vanished down the wind in this particular newscast. Knowing how much excitement and energy there was behind this project, and taking into account the pretty obvious fact that performing only a handful of months away is unrealistic, we have spent the last month sweet talking Lord Lloyd Webber (well, maybe not literally!) to allow us to defer this epic showcase to the future.  We can therefore now officially announce that we will be treading the Victoria Theatre’s boards as one huge joyous congregation March 30th – April 2nd 2022, leaving us a good 5 months to sink our teeth into the enormous challenge that is DISNEY’S HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME. 

Let’s get quizzical

As you can see, we have so much to look forward to in 2021/22. However, as we head back into lockdown this week, we have the perfect remedy to combat the November blues. 

Following our recent Facebook polls, HAOS and HATY productions are excited to announce our next social night on Saturday 14th November- Let’s get Quizzical. 

Join us on Zoom for our quiz night, a chance to catch up with each other and enjoy ourselves in the comfort of our own homes.

The zoom link will be shared via Facebook, email and here on our website closer to the date. All we ask of you is to join us on the night and give a donation to the society which will help us to achieve our mammoth plans over the next few years.

We know this was a long article, but it's going to be a busy year and there was just so much to say! All the team here at HAOS are looking forward to catching up with everybody at the quiz night on the 14th.

Stay safe, sane and sensational as we all are!


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