15th January 2022

Casting Process Open!
Some of our members and supporters simply couldn't make space in their busy "calendar" on Friday & therefore couldn't attend our recent launch night (cue the audible groan), so we thought we'd share a way to catch up on what you missed out on...
Just in case you somehow missed it - We are super lucky to be one of a handful of amateur companies in the region who succeeded in securing a license to present this amazing work, heralding that there is no such thing as an 'ordinary' woman!
Our team spent an hour or so on Friday evening describing their deep passion for the piece, how it came to be where it is now, and how they hope you might be able to take part in it.
Anyone aged 16+ by Sunday 20th February can register interest to audition. You don’t need to have had any previous experience or training; we are looking for people who are committed, enthusiastic and willing. Due to the nature of how the production is written, centring on a small village community and their stories, all those in the show will be a named part of varying amounts of involvement. There are no large numbers with a traditional company/ensemble written into this show by the authors, therefore available places in the cast will not be unlimited contrary to what we most often strive to do at HAOS, and hence why all interested performers will be required to audition on this occasion.
To try and make the above super clear, the website team, alongside the production team, have pre-planned to make available a large amount of information for perusal that explains all the different options in far greater detail than we would like to in this news story.
If you would like to find out more about what is involved and how to register please click here.
Auditions will take place on Sunday 20th February
Please make sure you get your EOI forms in in good time (don't miss the deadline!)
As always, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. Karen our production secretary is most likely the best place to start at